[some links on this page ("internal workshops") are accessible to authorised users only]

Internal workshops to coordinate our own work

1st Workshop: University of Innsbruck, 20. - 21. 9. 2002

Introduction and workshop agenda
Specifications of the overall research agenda

Background Papers:
Pension Reform Alternatives for Austria:
Effects on Capital and Labor Market Effciency
by Christian Keuschnigg & Mirela Keuschnigg
Volkswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der Unternehmenssteuerreform von Christian Keuschnigg & Martin Dietz
Analyzing Capital Income Tax Reform
with a CGE Growth Model for Switzerland:
Technical Report
by Christian Keuschnigg

2nd Workshop: University of St. Gallen, 20. - 22. 2. 2003

Part I (Thursday - Friday, 20. - 21. 2.): Inputs from Swiss model
Part II (Friday - Saturday, 21. - 22. 2.): Further steps towards calibrating an Austrian model
End of workshop: Saturday, 22. 2., 12.00.

Locational details:
the sessions will take place in the following rooms:
Thurs. 20.2.03 8-18 A215
Thurs. 20.2.03 8-18 PC1
Fr. 21.2.03 8-18 A215
Fr. 21.2.03 8-18 PC1
Sa. 22.2.03 8-12 A215
Sa. 22.2.03 8-12 PC1
PC1=Computerlabor im Keller des Hauptgebäudes der Uni

Download material for Part I:
Two simple numerical models that will be demonstrated:
"INVEST": A dynamic Modell with and without taxes -
model description (pdf)
"OPEN": OLG-model, open economiy with and without taxes - model description (pdf)
Here's a ZIP-file containing GAUSS program code for numerical implementations of both models.
Using the GAUSS programs: To compute the steady state, call "invest" or "olg". To compute transition paths, call "transit" (for either model). For help, call Christian.Jaag@unisg.ch.

Download material for Part II:
Pension Reform Alternatives for Austria: Effects on Capital and Labor Market Effciency by Christian Keuschnigg and Mirela Keuschnigg (paper delivered at the Innsbruck Workshop).
Pension Reform in Austria by Christian Keuschnigg and Mirela Keuschnigg [revised version (Feb. 2003) of the paper delivered at the Innsbruck Workshop].
Documentation of FWF Pension Model by Christian Keuschnigg and Mirela Keuschnigg (new document, Feb. 2003).
Beschreibung der bislang anvisierten Diplomarbeiten (Ruthner, Haardt, Grafenhofer): [ Themen (pdf) ] [ Themen (doc) ]

Summary of the discussion and results/agreements achieved in Part II of the workshop: [ download pdf ]
[ Attachment: Genauere inhaltliche Spezifikation für die Diplomarbeit (Forschungsbeihilfe) Elke Ruthner ]

3rd Workshop: University of St. Gallen, 3. - 5. 10. 2003

A) Organizational/Locational Details:

Tentative Time schedule:
Fri, 3.10.03G3A17.00 - 19.00
Sat, 4.10.03G3A9.00 - 12.00 and 13.30 - 18.00 (with breaks)
Sat, 4.10.03downtown19.00 (dinner)
Sun, 5.10.03G3A9.00 - 12.00

Room G3A is at Gatterstrasse 3 (basement), i.e., diagonally vis-à-vis the main building of the university (bus stop of the number 9 bus). Click here (366 KB in a new window) for a map showing Gatterstrasse 3 (green circle). There are two entrances; please use the main entrance directly towards the street in the middle of the building.

Travel from Zurich (VfS conference) to St. Gallen:
1Zürich HBSt. Gallen003.10.0313:4014:531:13
2Zürich HBSt. Gallen003.10.0314:1015:161:06
3Zürich HBSt. Gallen003.10.0314:4015:531:13
4Zürich HBSt. Gallen003.10.0315:1016:161:06

Travel from St. Gallen to Vienna:
1St. GallenWien Westbahnhof305.10.0313:0421:398:35
2St. GallenWien Westbahnhof105.10.0313:0422:359:31
3St. GallenWien Westbahnhof205.10.0314:3723:308:53
4St. GallenWien Westbahnhof105.10.0314:370:4510:08

Accommodation: Ms Anke Sielemann from the University of St.Gallen was kind enough to reserve tentatively four single rooms (Grafenhofer, Haardt, Neck, Ruthner) in Hotel Sonne Rotmonten. Definitive booking needs to be done until mid-September. Please do so by sending an E-mail to Ms. Anke Sielemann, mentioning this workshop, giving your full name and day of arrival/departure.

Refund: Please use this MS Word form. Be sure to enclose original receipts!

B) Agenda / Program:

  1. Recalling goals set in previous workshop (Feb. 20.-22, 2003): summary in pdf (FR)
  2. Present state of work - internal presentation:
    1. "Tax Reform with Overlapping Generations and Search Unemployment: Numerical Simulations and Sensitivity Analysis for Austria" by David Haardt [ Diploma Thesis, JKU Linz ] (Abstract | Thesis) (FR)
    2. "Life-cycle elements in an OLG Model with Search Unemployment" by Dominik Grafenhofer [ Diploma Thesis, JKU Linz ] (thesis chapter: extended model description) (SA)
    3. Aging, Labor Markets and Pension Reform in Austria" by Christian Keuschnigg (University of St. Gallen) and Mirela Keuschnigg (JKU Linz) (SA)
    4. Fiscal Policies Towards Employment and Growth" by Elke Ruthner [ Diploma Thesis, U of Klagenfurt ] (presentation) (SA)
    5. "Globalization: Fragmentation and Migration" by Wilhelm Kohler (JKU Linz) (SO)
  3. Future steps / work: (SO)
    1. Principal Orientation
    2. Modeling and Data Issues
    3. Specific Paper Projects (Conference Presentations)
    4. Vienna Workshop Spring 2004

Summary of the discussion and results/agreements achieved at the 3rd workshop: [ PDF download ]

4th Workshop: Vienna, 23. - 24. 02. 2004
Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Stumpergasse 56, A-1060 Wien

A) Organizational/Locational Details:

Accommodation: Pension Walch, Stumpergasse 25, Tel.: (01) 597 42 38.
Room: Conference Room on 6th floor. The room is equiped with a blackboard, overhead projector and sockets. There is no internet connection or video projector. But a beamer plus notebook will be available.

Tentative Time schedule:
Day Room
Mon, 23.02.04 IHS (see above)
14:00 - 18:00
Tue, 24.02.04 IHS (see above)
9:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 18:00

B) Agenda / Program:
(with external participation to be invited from IAS, WIFO, OeNB)

  1. "Austrian pension reform: Model revisions and welfare analysis" by Mirela Keuschnigg (PDF)
  2. "Pension reform: A stylized analytical model" by Christian Keuschnigg (PDF)
  3. "Life-cycle elements and overlapping generations: a suggested modeling approach" by Dominik Grafenhofer
  4. "Tax reform and pension reform: Aspects of the Austrian discussion" by Elke Ruthner & Reinhard Neck (PPT)
  5. "EU enlargement and other aspects of economic integration" by Wilhelm Kohler
    • "Eastern Enlargement of the EU: A Comprehensive Welfare Assessment" (PDF)
    • "International Outsourcing and Factor Prices with Multistage Production" (PDF)
    • "Aspects of International Fragmentation" (PDF)
  6. "Immigration and native welfare: Theory and numerical results" by Wilhelm Kohler & Gabriel Felbermayr (PDF)
C) Further issues:
(project research team only)
  • Progress report for 2003
  • Publications and conference participation in 2004
  • Follow-up research proposal

Summary of the discussion and results/agreements achieved at the 4th workshop: [ PDF download ]

Final Workshop: Vienna, Dec. 10, 2004
Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Stumpergasse 56, A-1060 Wien

Organizational/Locational Details:
Accommodation: Pension Walch, Stumpergasse 25, Tel.: (01) 597 42 38.
Room: Conference Room on 6th floor. The room is equiped with a blackboard, overhead projector and sockets. There is no internet connection or video projector. But a beamer plus notebook will be available.

Christian Keuschnigg
Mirela Keuschnigg
Wilhelm Kohler
Reinhard Neck
Dominik Grafenhofer
Elke Ruthner
Roman Freitag (BMSG)
Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz (ÖAW, Institut für Demografie)
Karin Schönpflug (BMF)
Peter Part (BMF)
Helmut Hofer (IHS)
Ludwig Strohner (IHS)

10.00 - 11.00: Internal meeting of the project research team
11:00 - 12:30: Presentation of results, geared towards the practitioner of social policy
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break
14.00 - 17.00: Final workshop, largely academic orientation, with discussion of future research

Presentation - Introductory Statement by Wilhelm Kohler, Project Director: (PDF)
Presentation - Aging, labor markets, pension reform: (PDF, additional graphs: PDF)